keep aged care residents safe

Complying with Legislation to Keep Aged Care Residents Safe

With the easing of restrictions, many Aged Care facilities are preparing to re-open their sites to allow loved ones to visit. The new legislation introduced aims to provides additional safety measures to help protect residents, including visitor declarations regarding Covid-19 and flu vaccinations, before being allowed to enter a facility.

Aged Care Facilities need to have the appropriate measures in place to ensure they can accommodate the surge in visitations, meet the legal requirements, and also streamline the reconnection of loved ones.

Read how a digital visitor management solution can provide a means of fast and easy compliance, an enhanced visitor experience and peace of mind for all.

keeping your data healthy

The role of document management solutions in keeping your data healthy

Like humans, your data needs regular health checks. Data continues to grow exponentially and, in this era of digitalisation, it is apparent that organisations need to review their data and the plans they have in place to manage, secure, and analyse that data so that it delivers maximum value. A document management solution can play a key role in helping to keep that data healthy.